[CrackMonkey] today's challenge

Bernard nutella at zork.net
Thu Feb 3 10:23:11 PST 2000

03Feb2000 10:33AM (+0000) From [skud+usenet at netizen.com.au] skud+usenet [Kirrily 'Skud' Robert]
> Can anyone tell me what this product actually *does*?
> http://www.magic-sw.com/linux/

Let's see...  Package contains;
1) Small purple hat with stars on it
2) Sparkler
3) "Magic" sticker
4) A note that basically says "Yah boo we fooled you".

How can they keep the price so low!

You'll note that they'll also sell you the Magic eMerchant
where the penguin can be converted into a money grabber.


Bernard P. Murray, PhD
nutella at zork.net (Department of Desserts and Toppings, San Francisco, USA)

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