[CrackMonkey] No Taxes

Emad El-Haraty elharaty at utdallas.edu
Thu Feb 3 10:51:31 PST 2000

I think I just figured out how to never pay taxes again.
Please review.

My idea is as follows, start a company with yourself as the 
sole proprieter. Sell your software product for an exorbitant
amount. It does not matter if no one ever buys it. Donate 
a large amount of software liscenses to various non-profit 
organizations. Receive a huge tax deduction.
Say I make 50k a year working for some comapany. I start my
business "Emad's Skunkworks" and sell my rendition of 
hello world for 5k each liscense. Now, I doubt anyone will
ever pay for HelloWorld but in a world where Microsoft is
successful who knows? At any rate... you never have to get
anyone to buy the product. Just donate 10 liscenses to your
mosque/church/synagouge. Thats a 50k donation you made.
Get a 50k tax deduction. Now you have to pay taxes on 0$. 
Taxes on 0$ == 0$ ..

Am I right? Or have I finally cracked?

 Emad El-Haraty
	If you can't beat them, arrange to have them beaten.

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