[CrackMonkey] We Few, We Lucky Few

ESP evan at bad-people-of-the-future.san-francisco.ca.us
Sat Feb 5 12:19:10 PST 2000

What a brilliant and excelent-ay anti-MPAA protest we had last night!
I'm writing a long a biting report for PDJ as I speak, with full

It was great! There must have been 30 people there -- Crackmonkey,
Pigdog, general Linux crazies and tons of little cyberpunks from the
local 2600 meeting. It was an unmitigated success, except for the moan
of general dismay and panic that swept the crowd when it was
discovered that Rick Moen no longer cared about defending freedom. A
social movement had lost its moral center; grown men and women wept
bitterly and bit the heels of their palms, while children collapsed
from emotional shock.

But just as the morale tide was at lowest ebb, Mae Ling started a
heart-rousing version of "Mo Li Wa" (fortunately she had the printed
lyrics readily available) that got everyone back to their senses. And
Seth calmed everyone down by showing them the DeCSS code on his
t-shirt! "Look," he said, awkwardly pointing over his shoulder, "We
got the CODE!"

The Entertainment Industry is REELING from our mighty blow! We have
them on the ropes!

Anybody who didn't show -- you know who you are -- well, when the MPAA
comes knockin on your door, don't call -ME-, is all I have to
say. Because *I* will be out on the street, taking the fight back to
the MAN!

MPAA out of my computer!


       ESP <evan at bad-people-of-the-future.san-francisco.ca.us>
		 http://pigdog.org/ |  RoR - Alucard

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