[CrackMonkey] [mr.bad@pigdog.org: [Pigdog] ANNOUNCEMENT: THURSDAY NIGHT IS PIGDOG NIGHT AT...]

Nick Moffitt nick at zork.net
Wed Feb 9 12:51:29 PST 2000


	Well, I'll be going to this one for sure.  Kirk's class is
cancelled for tomorrow, and I'm gunna get me some of that DAMN FINE

----- Forwarded message from "Mr. Bad" <mr.bad at pigdog.org> -----

THe ALBATBOSS! It's time once again to return to the home of the BIRD!

		     T H U R S D A Y   N I G H T
				 I S
		       P I G D O G   N I G H T
				 A T
			  A L B A T B O S S

Brilliant ALBATBOSS, located on San Pablo Ave a couple blocks north of
University. You can't miss it! It's got a bird on the front!

Be there Thursday, Feb 10 for the VALENTINE'S DAY EDITION of Thursday
Night is Pigdog Night! Featuring these fabulous events:

	* Johnny Royale singing, "You Are So Beautiful (To Me)" to his
	* Smooching Booths!
	* Zachmo eating popcorn! And drinking Splicey Ginger Beer! And
	* Thom 'Starky' Stark and The JUDESTER!
	* It may be Japanese rice wine to you, but it's SAKE TO ME!
	* Crayons, construction paper, and blunt-ended scissors so you
	  can make your own valentines!
	* Spin the Bottle! Actually, GROSS.

Come to the Valentine's Day Edition of TNiPNaZ and spend it with the
one you love! -OR- Come to the VALENTINE'S DAY TNiPNaZ and you may
meet the man or woman of your dreams! Actually, it's REALLY UNLIKELY,
but you could come, LOOK for the man or woman of your dreams, not find
them, and then get real STINKERS DRUNK. Beaujolais!

Feb 10! Tomorrow! 8PM! Everybody Wang Chung! Wee haw!

~Mr. Bad

P.S. If you're looking for a lab coat, you need to come meet me there.

----- End forwarded message -----

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