[CrackMonkey] [mr.bad@pigdog.org: [Pigdog] ANNOUNCEMENT: THURSDAY NIGHT IS PIGDOG NIGHT AT...]

Bernard nutella at zork.net
Wed Feb 9 15:44:51 PST 2000

09Feb2000 12:51PM (-0800) From [nick at zork.net] nick [Nick Moffitt]
> 	Woohoo!
> 	Well, I'll be going to this one for sure.  Kirk's class is
> cancelled for tomorrow, and I'm gunna get me some of that DAMN FINE

So, is TNICNAZ officially extinct now?  Are you all too busy
spanking each other with large wads of cash to venture out into
the open.  Shame.


Bernard P. Murray, PhD
nutella at zork.net (Department of Desserts and Toppings, San Francisco, USA)

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