[CrackMonkey] To the slashdot trolls

Craig McPherson craig at laceyonline.com
Thu Feb 10 23:02:31 PST 2000

On Thu, Feb 10, 2000 at 11:24:23PM -0600, Warren Mann wrote:
> I can do you one better... tell them to call me, I'd like to give them a
> personal message!  This could be the best thing that ever happened to me!  I
> will be hired as a Publicity Special Forces team-leader! Natalie Portman and
> I will probably end up breeding and she will give birth to several gorgeous
> daughters!  They will travel around the world and win several gorgeous
> daughter awards.  They will be so popular world-wide they will even
> penetrate the Japanese automotive industry!

Since I'll be at least partly responsible for this (for notifying you of
the Crackmonkey list, without which you never would have wound up
betrothed to the lovely Ms. Portman), I would like to officially request
that one of the beautiful daughters be transformed into a nude marble
statue on her 18th birthday (just to keep it legal, y'know) and placed
in my living room.

Maybe two of them, if you have four or more.

Do we have a deal?

Craig McPherson
craig at laceyonline.com

"Science is a scam; a crutch for weak-minded people."

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