[CrackMonkey] no sexual content express or implied

Bernard nutella at zork.net
Fri Feb 11 22:01:35 PST 2000

11Feb2000 09:19PM (-0600) From [broken at warmann.com] broken [Warren Mann]
> "Mr. Bad" wrote:
> > Mae Ling Mak, you are invited to stay in the meme pool for as long as
> > you'd like.
> >
> Hey, you have something on your nose... some brown stuff... better go
> wipe it off.

I find it fascinating just how much YOU DON'T GET IT.
I've met some really stupid people in my time and
even they get it occasionally.  You have failed to
get it *every* time.  I feel like selling tickets so
that people can sit and be entertained as well;

"Just look at how that person never gets it!"
"Amazing!  I've never seen anyone not get it for so long before."
"It can't be an act.  They have to be totally clueless."
"Perhaps they have brain damage."
"No!  I've seen brain damaged people who can still get it."
"Maybe he's from Canadia?"
"No, EVEN THE CANADIANS get it occasionally."
"Maybe he's from LinuxOne?"
"Hmmmm...  I'll have to get back to you on that"


Bernard P. Murray, PhD
nutella at zork.net (Department of Desserts and Toppings, San Francisco, USA)

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