[CrackMonkey] Re: A cool problem

Monkey Master monkeymaster at crackmonkey.org
Sun Feb 13 19:58:17 PST 2000

begin  AOLMonkey quotation:
> It kind of depends on how, exactly, the adversaries are going to
> behave.  Otherwise you could say loudly, "We'll just all guess RED!
> That way half of our guesses are guaranteed to be right."  Since the
> adversary has sworn to kill the maximum number of people, they'll
> put everyone in blue hats.

	I figured that I'd do this, originally.

	We all agree to answer red.  The first person, upon seeing
that all the hats are blue will answer "BLUE!" and hope that everybody
gets the hint all the way down the line.  Most people will see many
blue hats and probably figure it out.

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