[CrackMonkey] witty c++ text

Monkey Master monkeymaster at crackmonkey.org
Fri Feb 18 11:12:49 PST 2000

begin  Deirdre Schmeirdre quotation:
> Um, you CAN walk or ride a bike to a friend's house, library, store
> or movie in the South Bay. Even as a teenager. You aren't living in
> the South Bay, you're living on Mars.
> Overreliance on public transit has turned you and Nick into total
> lusers who whine only about what they can't have because they DON'T

	And you do?  I never saw YOU riding a bicycle.

	As I have said before, I WALK EVERYWHERE.

	I take muni only when I'm sick or tired.

	Also, bicycling under the extreme heat of the South Bay would
just about do me in.  Walking from place to place caused me to sweat

	I've walked El Camino from Sunnyvale to Mountain View.  It's
the most miserable pedestrian-hostile wasteland of fast food joints
and used car lots I've ever seen.  This does not encourage me to want
to raise children there.

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