[CrackMonkey] HP-E45 9000

Peter Peterson II pedro at zork.net
Thu Feb 24 09:55:07 PST 2000

I have the opportunity to pick up an HP-E45 9000 server for very
little or nothing. It was one of our fileservers here on campus for
four years, but we've moved away from that and my boss wants it out of
here... and no one will give him a quote because resellers apparently
don't think it's worth their time, given weight and shipping, etc.

I was thinking it would be a fun box to put PA-RISC Debian on and run
shell accounts and some other application servers on for the hell of it. 
My question is, does anyone have any idea what kind of horsepower or 
stability this hardware has? (I would not be running HP-UX) Would I 
just be better off with a PIII Linux box? Keep in mind that I'm not 
paying much (if anything) for it... so free is better than a coupla K$.

I'm weighing the cost between pain-in-the-ass/really cool to have, and
I'm looking for your thoughts.

P. A. Peterson II -- pedro at zork.net

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