[CrackMonkey] [Fwd: Re: Upgrade to potato impossible?]

Bob Bernstein bobbern at delphi.com
Fri Feb 25 04:54:14 PST 2000

On Fri, Feb 25, 2000 at 07:51:21AM +0000, Mike Goldman wrote:

> Exactly the kind of milquetoast response I'd expected from you.

You're coming along quite nicely then, grasshopper.

> Yeah, let's all be nice and political, but if someone says, hey, let's
> actually DO STUFF, it's completely off the table.

Exactly the kind of playground response that makes technodweebs so unwelcome
in board rooms.

But what counts is you're expressing yourself, you're getting things off
your chest, and that's good. Pretty soon you'll stop playing to the peanut
gallery around here, aka sucking up to the crackmonkey pecking order, and
let us know what you _really_ think. Of course that takes *real* stones, so
everything in its season....

Bob Bernstein
at                      This is Bob's OpenBSD 2.6 machine!
Esmond, R.I., USA            


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