[CrackMonkey] nwall

Bernard nutella at zork.net
Thu Jan 4 19:05:40 PST 2001

03Jan2001 11:11PM (-0800) From [monkeymaster at crackmonkey.org] monkeymaster [Monkey Master]
> begin  Bernard quotation:
> > > 	A pity you lacked even the Martiesque iota of follow-through
> > > required to register this domain.
> > 
> > Hmmmm.... "Martiesque"....
> 	Yes, as in "I don't do anything, but I'm the WEBMASTER of

And a cultural icon.  See if the Hacker's Dictionary will
accept "Martiesque".  The world should not be denied the power
of this adjective.  Try "Moenesque" while you're at it.

> > On the minus side we have;
> > 	Discouraging community coding and cooperation by naming the
> > 	project after one person.
> 	Oh for fuck's sake.
> 	What would YOU name it, then?  Mmmm?

Jeez!  Come on now!  Argue your point.  Say something to the
effect that "I can call it nwall because...".  Don't simply
fold like some badly made lawn chair.  I was just venturing
an opinion that, considering the reportedly cat-like nature
of the stereotypical coder, it would be difficult to encourage
a community effort if the end product was going to be primarily
associated with one person.  You could point out that nwall
is not intended as a community project but is open to enhancement
by GPL'ing the source code (you, Nick, provide a finished
product and if anyone wants to tweak it that is okay).  You
could point out that it is simply called "nwall" rather than
"nickmoffittssuperduperwall" so self-promotion is very
subtle.  You could point out that (AFAIK) there are no other
"Nick's" programs out there by you so naming it as such is
not a habit of yours.  You could point out any examples of
large "named" programs where people have happily subjugated
themselves for the common good (I mentioned AWK).

> You are not entitled to your opinions.

Yes, apparently this because I have yet to create anything useful[1]


[1] To Nick

Bernard P. Murray, Ph.D.
nutella at zork.net (Department of Desserts and Toppings, San Francisco, USA)

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