[CrackMonkey] Thai Pirates

Bryan Fullerton bryanf at samurai.com
Sun Jan 7 23:32:31 PST 2001

On Mon, Jan 08, 2001 at 10:14:29AM +0800, Miles Nordin <carton at Ivy.NET> wrote:
> This video-on-CD thing turns out to be a lot more tangled than I 
> originally suspected.  There is a thing called a VCD.

Hey, you've finally caught up to 1998.  Congrats.

> Then, there are the Chineese bootlegs, which cost $1.50.  They 
> take home video cameras into movie theaters. 


> The better pirated 
> VCD's are made by bribing the cine---with a bribe the Pirate can 
> plug his pirate's video camera directly into the theater's sound 
> system so you can't hear people in the audience coughing in 
> Mandarin.


Good quality ones have no subtitles.  Better quality are copies from
studio sample tapes sent out to theatres ("screener").  Best quality
are from DVD release (frequently with all bonus material), but who
wants to wait that long?

> What appears to be the best SVCD, VCD, DVD, and MP3CD player on 
> the market right now is a discontinued model made by Raite.  
[snip whining about China]

You know you can get pretty much anything you want in VCD/SVCD/DiVX/etc
format from Usenet, right?  I may be downloading the movies Traffic and
Dracula 2000 right now, but I can't confirm that.


Bryan Fullerton               http://bryanfullerton.com/
Core Competence
Samurai Consulting
Can you feel the Ohmu call?

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