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Nick Moffitt nick at zork.net
Thu Jan 25 14:13:01 PST 2001

	Oh god.  They follow me on the bus, on BART.. They're like a
goddamn military unit, with their identical suits, nametags, backpacks
full of bibles and books of Mormon...

	No, sir.  *twitch*  I made a promise *twitch* to my dying
Grandmother.  I was born a *twitch* snake-handler and I'll *twitch*
*twitch* DIE a snake-handler.

	I'm FRIGHTFULLY sorry, sir, but I'm afraid that I don't speak
a WORD of English.

	And then, there was the time when a bright young lad stood up
and took a survey.  "Is there *ANYONE* on this bus who wants to learn
about the book of Mormon?  ANYONE?  No?  Okay, you guys get off at the
next stop."

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