[free-sklyarov] Adobe Seminar

Xcott Craver sacraver at EE.Princeton.EDU
Wed Sep 5 10:46:12 PDT 2001

On Wed, 5 Sep 2001, David Haworth wrote:

> Perhaps a better line would be "Why an open format would be a better
> choice for eBooks", the advantages being: cheaper, greater target
> audience,  fewer complaints from dissatisfied readers, among others.

	I think an argument directed towards investors or companies
	looking at eBooks should directly state, and explain,
	that digital usage controls are yet another "bubble."

	First, point out that the technology is not there, and
	people have been trying for decades.  Then, underscore the
	legal aspects:  to make it work you need extra laws which
	are not likely to remain constitutional if passed.  You
	just can't make money by selling people their own rights.

	It's an infeasible business model both legally *and* technically.
	One might as well try to sell perpetual motion machines
	made entirely out of hashish.

> Dave

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