[Taocow PBEM] Fwd: Chapter X - The Stranger

Aaron Clausen mightymartianca at gmail.com
Mon Nov 20 08:16:11 GMT 2006

> [Ted]
> The lizard man moves closer to Lady Frost, bringing his rifle in front of his body. "Never!
> Release our friend or your master will have to wonder why you never reported back to
> him."
> [/Ted]

The creature laughs.  "Master cares not for silly elf.  Says he will
meet 'demon queller' soon."

> [Carlos]
> Carlos pulls his rifle up towards the creature, and says to those around him, "What's
> going on here?  Who are you all?"
> [/Carlos]

The Dog Boy looks over at Carlos.  "Introductions will have to wait, I
think.  It's enough for now that you've got that rifle pointed in the
right direction."

> [Lady Frost]
> She hadn't seen Phaeton get caught.  But there he was, getting poked by a nasty
> looking sword.
> "No Ted, not how it works."  She holds her arm up to bar Ted's path.  "They want me in
> exchange for Phaeton, they'll get me. Besides, I think it's time we had a chat with their
> boss."
> She turns to face the lizard man and, in a much quieter voice, adds "Once Phaeton's
> safe, hit them hard and fast.  They're about to get more of me than they ever bargained
> for."
> Turning back to the creature, she begins slowly walking forward.  "You want me, let
> them go."
> [/Lady Frost]

"Maybe." creature replies.  "Maybe not.  Tricks played, friends die."

> [Talas]
> Talas moves next to Alex and whispers "Lady Alex you have faced these creatures
> before. Tell me are they of Supernatural stuff, or are they as soft as mortals?"
> [/Ted]

> [Alex]
> The slim wilderness scout turns back to Lady Frost, "Are you sure this is what you
> want to do." She keeps scanning carefully those surrounding them with her rifle ready
> to fire although held slightly upward. A soldier does not abandon her comrades.
> After a moment, she turns back to Talas, "They are pretty tough.  If there is any way
> we might talk our way out of this while keep Frost safe, it would be smarter than
> throwing ourselves against them with no effect.
> With seeing Talas charging, she takes a quick look around to see if she can find a safe
> place to fire from concealment. That is her job after all, to provide support for her
> comrades not as a direct combatant.
> [/Alex]

There's a number of rubble piles close by that would serve the purpose.

> [Ted]
> **Very well, Lady Frost**, Ted projects telepathically, **but when this is over, you have
> got a lot of questions to answer**.
> [/Ted]

> [Lady Frost]
> Frost stops and turns to face Ted.  "_I'd_ better answer questions?  You aren't the
> leader of this group.  Far as I'm concerned Bongo is.  You're the newcomer.  You do
> what we need you to do or you take a walk.  And you damn well don't demand answers
> like that."
> Then Talas begins his charge, threatening to ruin any chance of saving Phaeton.
> "Talas, stop!  That won't help matters.  "With a quick motion, Frost put up an ice barrier
> in front of Talas.  It remains just long enough for him to halt his charge, then dissipates.
> "They want me, they've got me.  Talk to Ted, he knows what's up."
> Then she begins her slow walk again.  "I hope."
> [/Lady Frost]

"Alright everyone." Bongo says grimly.  "Let's keep clear heads and
remember whose throats we should be going for."

Bongo turns to Lady Frost.  "I hope you know what you're doing.  I
smell something very bad."

> [Talas]
> Talas swerves to keep from going head long into the ice wall, and then stops. Turning
> toward Lady Frost "Lady Frost, I will not fight you on this. But I believe what you are
> about to do is a grave mistake. Please reconsider."  Talas then waits to see if Lady
> Frost does reconsider.
> [/Talas]

> [Lady Frost]
> Without stopping, Frost just turns her head and winks at Talas.
> [/Lady Frost]

Phaeton shakes his head.  "No." he groans.

As Lady Frost approaches, the creature smiles broadly, revealing a
mouth missing half its teeth.  There's a palpable energy in the air,
and everyone's skin begins to crawl.

A booming voice begins to laugh.  "The key is mine!  Now nothing will
stop me.  Bow to me, Frost.  Bow to me and save your friends."

Suddenly, standing there in white robes, the pale-faced demon with the
red eyes; the dreaded K'murd Faka. In his left hand he holds a severed
head, severely burned, but still recognizable as that of Kyle.

The demon tosses it towards the company.  "A little gift, to show my
goodwill."  With that, the demon begins approaching Frost, parting his
robes to reveal a glowing amulet.  Despite herself, Frost feels
herself getting lost in its light, her will slowly being swept away.

Aaron Clausen   mightymartianca at gmail.com

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