[Taocow PBEM] Chapter XV - The Demon's Minions

Alex Bayne hayden.bayne at gmail.com
Thu Jan 31 03:48:01 GMT 2008

> [Lady Frost]
> Lady Frost shakes her head. "We must have woken up the entire town  
> by now."
> [/Lady Frost]
> [Ted]
> The lizard man points to Alex and teases, "Blame her. My ears are  
> still ringing."
> [/Ted]
> [GM]
> Suddenly sirens begin ringing in the distance.
> [/GM]
> [Ted]
> "Ringing so bad, everyone else can hear it too," he adds to himself  
> before calling out to Sia and Talas, "Do you guys have anything that  
> can divert the authorities away from here while the rest of us clean  
> up?"
> [/Ted]

Sia shouts back, "I believe that the police could aid us in  
interrogating these scum... but if you have something more interesting  
in mind, be my guest!"  Sialillion tries to think of somewhere quiet  
and secluded nearby they could take the two, should that be the  
decided course of action.

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