[Taocow PBEM] [Vesper, Alex, Oz and Ithdalkal] Book 3 - Chapter XIV - Belmont Abbey

Karl Prosek karl.prosek at gmail.com
Tue May 6 11:54:23 UTC 2014

> "There are quite a few of us to gate now, I will do so though, be prepared."
> "I think we may need some trade goods wherever we end up, there is a
> plethora here people should gather what they can.  I think the Bishop knew
> of this place."
> Vesper began gathering energies from himself and his familiar, "The ship is
> that the best place to go right now ?  They probably struck it first."

"If we didn't have people back on the ship I'd say take us to
Frankfurt. These islands are lost." He looks at Jacek and shakes his
head apologetically. "I am sorry, my friend but it's true." The German
looks back at Vesper. "But at least if we go to the ship first you can
take us all to safety if it has been captured."

He nods at Alex. "Do as she says. We may need the money soon." Oz
starts slipping gold into his suit's external storage pouches.

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