[CrackMonkey] here, have some lame haiku

Rick Moen rick at linuxmafia.com
Tue Feb 15 18:15:46 PST 2000

[snip some correspondents:]

Quoting Monkey Master (monkeymaster at crackmonkey.org):

> Well, I've been there a year now, which means I vested 25% of
> my options.  That also means that I don't give a flying transsexual
> goat fuck if they fire me for "attitude" or not.
> Time to look for python jobs.

It's also time to start planning, in advance, for The Party.  For
starters, what is your favourite type of pie?  I can bake most, if
you don't get _too_ fancy.  (My berry pies are usually well received.)

Cheers,                Linux:  It is now safe to turn on your computer.
Rick Moen
rick (at) linuxmafia.com

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