[CrackMonkey] Time for a little round-robin.

Nick Moffitt nick at zork.net
Mon Feb 28 17:13:14 PST 2000

Okay kids.  It's time to build some resillience into the crackmonkey

	Anyone who's willing to become a mirror of crackmonkey and
have traffic diverted via round-robin DNS, please mail me.

	Bryan, I'm gunna need your help in manually updating the zone
files with ones I send you.

	I want this to be distributed and crazy.

	For reference: I have removed the ActiveX code from the front
page.  It still exists in the subpages, however.

	As for the list page, that will have to be set up as a
redirect, as I'm not about to start mirroring that all over creation.

	I'm gunna try and set up cvsup as a method of synchronization,
but for now I'm just gunna send out my m4 files and makefile.

	Let's get this show on the road!

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