[CrackMonkey] [mr.bad@pigdog.org: Re: [Pigdog] Quotable notes]
Nick Moffitt
nick at zork.net
Thu Jul 13 13:17:21 PDT 2000
Well put, Evan. Bravo!
A pity about youre .signature, though.
----- Forwarded message from "Mr. Bad" <mr.bad at pigdog.org> -----
>>>>> "K" == Kris <kris at firstworld.net> writes:
K> while my posts maybe filled with angst, vitriol, bad
K> grammar, poor spelling, massive typos, horrible punctuation,
K> incorrect factual information and stuff I just pulled out of my
K> ass... at least my ">"'s are in order.
Yeah, but you do quote-after-text, which is the glowing neon sign of a
complete corporate-email retard.
~Mr. Bad
/\____/\ Mr. Bad <mr.bad at pigdog.org>
\ / Pigdog Journal | http://pigdog.org/ | RoR - Alucard
| (X \x)
( ((**) "How hard it is to hide the fact that you care about
\ <vvv> something. How right people are to doubt suavity."
----- End forwarded message -----
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