[CrackMonkey] [mr.bad@pigdog.org: Re: [Pigdog] Webzine 2000 - BE THERE!]
Nick Moffitt
nick at zork.net
Fri Jul 21 16:19:22 PDT 2000
----- Forwarded message from "Mr. Bad" <mr.bad at pigdog.org> -----
>>>>> "e" == enigma <enigma at totse.com> writes:
e> I hope people realize that this means that when Webzine 2000
e> people think of Pigdog, THEY'LL BE THINKING OF ME AND
e> CRACKMONKEY. WE will be the ONLY PIGDOG CONTACT that these
e> people ever have.
"Pigdog? Isn't that some kind of club for red-haired mesomorphs with
receding hairlines?"
~Mr. Bad
P.S. Earl, you should put a link on PDJ about Webzine2000.
/\____/\ Mr. Bad <mr.bad at pigdog.org>
\ / Pigdog Journal | http://pigdog.org/ | *Stay*Real*Bad*
| (X \x)
( ((**) "Throw shom-pan-yah in my face once, shame on you.
\ <vvv> Throw shom-pan-yah in my face twice, shame on me."
----- End forwarded message -----
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