[CrackMonkey] [hnh12345@nycap.rr.com: Re: [Tron] Tron is everywhere, dammit!]

Nick Moffitt nick at zork.net
Tue Sep 5 14:49:28 PDT 2000

	I am officially disturbed.

----- Forwarded message from Holly <hnh12345 at nycap.rr.com> -----

This reminds me of something I saw this weekend. I was flipping
through channels trying to find ZDTV (I wasn't home so I didn't know
where it was).  Anyway, Cinemax is right before ZD, so I was fipping
quick and I could have swore I saw Tron so I flipped back (I swear, I
was not watching soft-core porn on Cinemax, ick). To my shock, it was
not Tron. It was like a Tron-porno, very disturbing :-P It was not
just Tron-like, it looks like it took place inside Clu's tank, they
were, well, in a chair in the tank. I don't know if this has been
brought up before, but it was very odd to see that. I just don't that
Tron should be used in a soft-core porn format, thank you :-P Out of
curiousity I looked up the movie name, it was something like the
Sexual Matrix if anyone actually wants to try to see it.  (It was like
Saturday night/Sunday morning around 1:30am if anyone wants to look it

----- End forwarded message -----

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