[free-sklyarov] Wretched article at inside.com

Robert Knop rknop at pobox.com
Sat Aug 4 17:52:26 PDT 2001

> Also, bear in mind the DMCA came from a treaty with the WIPO. I think someone
> mentioned this, but just to toss it out again, doesn't this treaty overrule
> our national laws. Meaning, how much effect would our Supreme Court have
> over the WIPO or laws coming down from them? It seems like we are also losing 
> our "Checks and Balances."

The USA has a president who's shown himself capable of backing out of
treaties he doesn't believe to be in the USA's best interests.  If only
he could be shown that the USA's best interests were diametrically
opposed to the wishes of the corporations seeing a new feudalism, I'm
sure that WIPO could very quickly turn into a paper tiger.

Alas, it doesn't sound like anybody in the US government other than
Boucher has a clue that there might be something rotten in the States of


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