[free-sklyarov] Why is Sklyarov still in jail?

David Haworth david.haworth at altavista.net
Sun Aug 5 23:09:21 PDT 2001

On Sat, Aug 04, 2001 at 12:02:45PM +0200, Tom wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 03, 2001 at 09:39:58PM -0500, Ed Carp wrote:
> > Then this country is in serious trouble when a prisoner can be held for weeks
> > without a bail hearing.  If memory serves, even the Supreme Court has ruled
> > on cases regarding how long one can be held without a hearing, and under what
> > circumstances one can be held without bail.  This is an absolute crock.
> in most european countries, the time you can be held without seing a
> judge is set to 48 or 24 hours. please don't tell me there's nothing
> similiar in the CRA (Corporate Republic of America)

I think Dmitry was up before a judge on the day of his arrest, or the
day after. He was denied bail on grounds of "flight risk" and because
he was due to be transferred to San Jose "within 2 weeks" (IIRC).

David Haworth
Baiersdorf, Germany
david.haworth at altavista.net

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