[free-sklyarov] Free book terminology (was Things you can't do with ebooks)

Don Marti dmarti at zgp.org
Thu Aug 9 09:51:26 PDT 2001

begin Robert Knop quotation of Thu, Aug 09, 2001 at 06:51:24AM -0700:

> How about a crippleBook?  That refers back to "CrippleWare," the form of
> ShareWare which had key functionality disabled until you paid the
> licensing fee.  Not really the same thing, since *here* you pay the
> licensing fee just to get the crippled version.  But it does get the
> point across that you're getting something limited.

Can I just say that widespread use of this term would hurt outreach
efforts to organizations of/for people with disabilities?   Who would
_need_ circumvention devices to read some e-books?

Don Marti      What do we want?  Free Dmitry!  When do we want it?  Now! 
http://zgp.org/~dmarti                      Free Dmitry: http://eff.org/
dmarti at zgp.org      Free the web, burn all GIFs: http://burnallgifs.org/        

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