[free-sklyarov] Newsweek Article (8/20 Issue)

Jon O . jono at microshaft.org
Thu Aug 16 09:51:45 PDT 2001

Ok, so I'll make sure not to use any puffery or hyperbole in the future,
people don't seem to understand the companies are not smoldering
it's a figure of speech.

However, people are noticing and do see the effort you all are putting in.
That is what needs to be understood.

For example:
Adobe's sales lag; profit on track

The economy was not Adobe's only worry in July. The company's image took a beating after Adobe encouraged the federal government to prosecute Elcom, a Russian company that had distributed code to crack the security features in Adobe's software for electronic documents. 

The grass roots response in the software developer community was quick and furious. 

``Last Monday, which was the height of the activity, I think I counted up to 1,700 e-mails that I had gotten throughout the week,'' Chizen said. Since Adobe began advocating for Sklyarov's release, he said the number has come down to a couple per day.

So, I'm not suggesting the companies are actually smoldering for those
who take each word so literally. Simply that this stuff does matter
to them, they are seeing it and the efforts are having some impact.

I think that impact should be respected and honoured. 

On 16-Aug-2001, Brooklyn Linux Solutions CEO wrote:
> > 
> > My real problem is not with cheerleading or being pleased with results
> > but with the sort of expectation that is raised by your rhetoric,
> > 
> > >I can smell the smoldering remains of these over
> > >protective, under encrypted, stomping Rights companies now...
> > 
> > 
> I'm glad someone else said this.  Demostrations and press aside,
> we aren't even a blip on the publics conscousness yet, or their
> congressional representitives.
> NYC also have about 8 protests a day....I question that our extra one
> is causing whole industries to burn assunder.  We have a lot of work in
> front of us, and the demonstrations and stunts are only a very small part 
> of that effort.
> Ruben
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