[free-sklyarov] Copyright as a restriction

Bob Smart bobds at blorch.org
Wed Aug 22 19:33:16 PDT 2001

On Wednesday 22 August 2001 09:46, you wrote:

> Tom,
> I'm very interested in working this with you (depending, of course, on
> some of the philosophical details).
> I'd love to see a modern "society of patronage" that collected money and
> paid artists to create new work that is unencumbered by restrictive
> distribution law or license.

I've actually been working on a system for doing just that (connecting 
patrons with beneficiaries).  In my vision, these beneficiaries need not 
necessarily be "artists" (want to show your appreciation for a Linux project 
or individual developer?) and the patrons could be small-time donors, either 
making a single gift to a particular party or getting something akin to a 
"subscription" where some pledged amount of money would be transferred every 
month, every quarter, etc.

Anybody interested in this kind of project, please contact me at my primary 
e-mail (bsmart at blorch.org).  If there's enough interest, I'll set up a 
Mailman list about it--but in any case, I'd like to discuss it more.


What I wrote above is hereby dedicated to the public domain and may be freely 
used, in whole or in part, with or without attribution.

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