[free-sklyarov]Free Skylarov Street Action Strike Force!

Klepht klepht at eleutheria.org
Wed Jul 18 09:30:35 PDT 2001

Hey, so, what's the plan? What are we going to do?

For Bayareans, I'd suggest that we do a protest outside of Adobe
sometime early next week -- Monday or Tuesday. It's not like
Skylarov's locked up in a conference room in Adobe somewhere, but
they're the party with the most to lose in terms of publicity.

Also, it might be cool to do some outreach to Russian groups, if they
exist and are interested (and there sure are a lot of Russians around
the Bay Area). _We_ tend to think of this as an information freedom
issue, but I think there's some international law issues, too.

Other potential allies:

        Local 2600 Meetings
        EFF (?)

Oh, yeah: anyone banked "freeskylarov.org" yet?


P.S. A "Free Skylarov" web page would probably get ./'d.

P.P.S. Is Don Marti involved yet?

klepht at eleutheria.org
Free Skylarov!

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