[free-sklyarov] picketting Adobe?

Lloyd Davidson ldavids at northwestern.edu
Thu Jul 19 17:59:30 PDT 2001

What about locking a book inside of a small safe instead of burning 
it?  Burying it might be another apt metaphor.  Both of these are more 
closely equivalent to the encryption of text that keeps its content hidden 
away then burning.

Actually, however, I am not opposed in principle to encrypting books or 
other copyrighted content as an aid to stopping widespread copyright abuse 
and infringement, although I don't make my money directly from the sale of 
copyrighted materials.  The experience of Napster has frightened publishers 
by its abuses of copyrighted materials and part of the drive to implement 
digital rights management systems to encapsulate digital materials partly 
derives from this experience.   What I am opposed to is extracting unfair 
profits from the sale of copyrighted materials, especially overcharging for 
them and underpaying the creators themselves.  How to define "unfair 
profits" is, of course, not simple.

At 04:21 PM 7/19/2001 -0700, you wrote:
>Message: 10
>Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2001 15:46:20 -0700 (PDT)
>From: Mo DeJong <mdejong at cygnus.com>
>To: free-sklyarov at zork.net
>Subject: Re: [free-sklyarov] picketting Adobe?
>On Thu, 19 Jul 2001, Don Marti wrote:
> > begin Mo DeJong quotation of Thu, Jul 19, 2001 at 01:15:30PM -0700:
> >
> > > Some posters mentioned the need for a good "hook"
> > > that might get the media to cover a protest at
> > > Adobe. How about an eBook burning?
> >
> > Book burning == bad in most people's minds.  This is about the
> > opposite of book burning -- book reading.
>Book burning is a powerful image. One could claim that turning
>a book into an eBook is the same as burning it. Either way
>people could be losing access to the ideas in the book.
> > And the second anyone starts a fire, message diluted, hazard created,
> > they have a reason to break it up, bad things all the way around.
> >
> > Please don't set anything on fire.  And in all other things, please
> > be polite and on your best behavior.
>Don, you are being too literal. Someone mentioned a projector
>before. Why not incorporate that into a little program that
>displayed a burning eBook? It is just an idea, I am not saying
>it is a good one.
>My point was that when staging an event that you would like the
>mass media to cover, you have to simplify the message. Few
>people will understand a protest over encryption and the DMCA.
>On the other hand, "eBooks burned outside Adobe Headquarters"
>might interest a few readers.

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