[free-sklyarov] List of Demands

Jeme A Brelin jeme at brelin.net
Thu Jul 19 23:44:29 PDT 2001

On 19 Jul 2001, Klepht wrote:
> >>>>> "JAB" == Jeme A Brelin <jeme at brelin.net> writes:
>     Me> 6) Adobe pledge to work with the scientific and technical
>     Me> communities to amend the eBook architecture to preserve fair
>     Me> use rights for end users.
>     JAB> Well, clearly here's where the real contention/misunderstanding
>     JAB> lies.
>     JAB> It is simply NOT POSSIBLE to allow fair use and implement
>     JAB> access controls.
> Lesseee... looking over that point... not really seeing the words
> "access control," "copy protection," "digital rights management" or
> any such term. The only thing I see we're asking for is "fair use."

Well, then we don't need a NEW eBook format... Adobe already has one
called PDF.

The eBook format exists SOLELY to remove the ability of the public to
fairly use the work because there is no way to mechanically distinguish
between infringing and non-infringing use of a copyrighted work.

     Jeme A Brelin
    jeme at brelin.net
 [cc] counter-copyright

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