[free-sklyarov] Chants

Chris Savage chris.savage at crblaw.com
Fri Jul 20 11:37:57 PDT 2001

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Declan McCullagh [mailto:declan at well.com]
> Sent: Friday, July 20, 2001 2:14 PM
> To: Tim Neu
> Cc: free-sklyarov at zork.net
> Subject: Re: [free-sklyarov] Chants
> On Fri, Jul 20, 2001 at 01:06:09PM -0500, Tim Neu wrote:
> > 
> > Here's something anyone can understand: 
> > 
> > Keep Russian laws in Russia, US laws in USA
> So you oppose U.S. laws that can be used to prosecute Americans who go
> on underage sex tours of southeast Asia?
> Or Germany's laws that can be used to convict a U.S. holocaust
> revisionist if he's stupid enough to set foot in Germany? (Or,
> as we've seen, even other European countries.)

Hey Declan,

I think the problem here is linking the person arrested with the intra-US

Let's assume that a programmer writes works for hire for the company for
whom he works.

Let's assume that the works are legal in the country where the programmer

Let's assume that the company causes those works to be available in Country
X, where for some reason they are illegal.

The programmer has done nothing illegal that I can see.  The company has
acted legally in the place where it resides, but acted illegally in a
country to which its products got exported.

I'm not an expert on international law, but I don't see the liability of the
programmer here.

Chris S.

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