[free-sklyarov] Adobe Will Talk! July 23 Sklyarov Protest on Hold

Xcott Craver sacraver at EE.Princeton.EDU
Fri Jul 20 14:10:53 PDT 2001

On Fri, 20 Jul 2001, mike castleman wrote:

> Say we pick Thursday. Okay, EFF & Adobe meet on monday, nothing happens.
> Protest is on for Thursday. Fewer people can make it because people
> already made arrangements to be there monday, not thursday, but still
> enough people are ready to go. Then, Wednesday evening Adobe calls EFF,
> says "We want to meet with you tomorrow morning, but iff you call off the
> protest."

	I highly doubt the EFF would fall for that a second time.
	However, I do see your point, and there are several risks along
	these lines (e.g., Adobe promises whatever they have to promise to
	get the protest cancelled, then drags their feet for weeks.)

	I am also suspicious about the protest being in any way
	part of the terms of Adobe's willingness to meet.

	Question:  if everyone protests anyways, to what extent will
	it hurt EFF negotiations?  I mean, if it isn't the EFF's protest,
	and they arguably have no ability to stop other groups from
	doing so?


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