[mkc@mathdogs.com: Re: [free-sklyarov] The American Association of Publishers issues a press release]
Frank Arnold
franka at svpal.org
Sat Jul 21 11:11:19 PDT 2001
And while you are at it, please unsubscribe me from the list.
I simply cannot handle so many messages although
I fully support the cause.
Thanks in advance.
Frank Arnold
On Saturday 21 July 2001 10:16, Seth David Schoen wrote:
> I accidentally rejected this message from the mailing list after it
> was flagged for review because the list software didn't have Mike
> Coleman's address right.
> I am from now on going to reject _all_ messages which are flagged for
> review this way, to avoid further confusion along these lines. If you
> post from an address which the list software doesn't know about, your
> message _will be returned to you_. If this happens and you don't
> understand why, or you want me to add an additional address, you can
> then tell me, and I'll add your address so that future messages will
> go through automatically.
> This policy may be more irritating in the short term, but it will make
> less work for me in the long term, help your messages go through right
> away once you've got the address stuff worked out, and continue to
> keep spam off the list.
> ----- Forwarded message from Mike Coleman <mkc at mathdogs.com> -----
> To: Seth David Schoen <schoen at loyalty.org>
> Cc: free-sklyarov at zork.net
> Subject: Re: [free-sklyarov] The American Association of Publishers issues
> a press release From: Mike Coleman <mkc at mathdogs.com>
> Date: 21 Jul 2001 02:39:44 -0500
> Seth David Schoen <schoen at loyalty.org> writes:
> > Larry Blunk writes:
> > > The publishers have chimed in with their opinion on Skylarov's
> > > arrest and the wonderful DMCA. I should warn you all -- it's not for
> > > the weak of stomach.
> > >
> > > http://www.publishers.org/home/press/index.htm
> >
> > I'd be eager to hear suggestions for an appropriate response.
> 1. Complain, courteously, directly to them at (212) 255-0200 (New York)
> and (202) 347-3375 (Washington, DC).
> 2. Complain, courteously, to their members, many of which we're probably
> members of (e.g., ACM, IEEE) or give lots of money to (various book
> publishers) or that are closely associated with various universities
> (which can hopefully be expected to appreciate gravity of this issue).
> http://www.publishers.org/home/abouta/members.htm
> On their web site they list "intellectual freedom" as one of their key
> issues. Their membership might be somewhat annoyed to see it being
> squashed.
> --Mike
> ----- End forwarded message -----
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