[free-sklyarov] San Francisco 10 O'Clock News Coverage

Klepht klepht at eleutheria.org
Sun Jul 22 23:18:01 PDT 2001

>>>>> "NM" == Nick Moffitt <nick at zork.net> writes:

    NM> I just watched the 10 o'clock news on WB20, and it seems that
    NM> with all of the missing people (I counted four in all, three
    NM> of whom were in the Bay Area), the story was bumped to the 11
    NM> o'clock news.  This means that if you're in the Bay Area, you
    NM> can tune into WB20 in half an hour from now to watch the news.

Hey, so, all I see is X-files on TV20.

Any way to get a recap on today's mtg? Which I missed?


P.S. 600 messages in my free-sklyarov folder when I got home from a
weekend trip. Jeez!

klepht at eleutheria.org

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