[free-sklyarov] SLC update

kastlyn at lowerlights.com kastlyn at lowerlights.com
Mon Jul 23 13:56:41 PDT 2001

We finished up with the SLC protest a little while ago.  Weren't too many
people, but we had some great signs, and answered questions from three
different news organizations.  We gave out a lot of stickers and fliers, and,
one thing that worked best for us were fliers wrapped around water bottles. 
That worked really well, because it was a hot day, with a lot of really thirsty
people.  =}  I'll send the url with the news/pictures when I get it.  =}
     Overall, it wasn't a very loud event, but we gave away 150 water bottles,
and did a lot to raise the general public awareness.  We'll be doing much of
the same tomorrow during the Utah 24th of July parades.  =}
       -=Amie Christensen=-

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