[free-sklyarov] ANNOUNCEMENT: Free Dmitry leafletting in SF BART Thursday noon, Thursday 4:30pm, and Friday 8:30am

Nick Moffitt nick at zork.net
Thu Jul 26 03:20:49 PDT 2001

The Free Dmitry movement is not just about protests and legal talk.
It is also about LETTING PEOPLE KNOW about the injustices perpetrated
against Dmitry Sklyarov.  Demonstrations are a great way to get press
attention, but sometimes we can't wait for the press.  Sometimes we
have to take matters into our own hands.

The Russian word "samizdat" means "self publishing".  It refers to the
process of distributing information through underground channels.  It
means that sometimes a piece of information is so important that it
will be distributed regardless of what those controlling the official
publication channels would do with it.  

Thursday, 26 July 2001 and Friday the 27th are the days when we will
hand out flyers to the thousands of commuters on the Bay Area Rapid
Transit system.  BART carries more passengers in a single day than the
US's largest airline, and they travel to all parts of the Bay Area.

We will meet at the City Hall Plaza at noon for a lunchtime
leafletting in the area, and then again at 4:30pm to catch the rush
hour commuters on their way home.  The leaflets passed out in downtown
San Francisco will follow these people as far as Pleasanton, Bay
Point, Fremont, Colma, and Richmond.  

We will do this again on Friday morning at 8:30am to catch these
commuters on their way in to work.

This is an important prelude to the Monday demonstration!  It is not a
protest, rally, or any other such ruckus raising.  We're simply going
to hand out informational pamphlets that explain to the lay commuter
what the facts of Dmitry's case are.  

So, once again, here's how you can help out!

- Mail ctfd at zork.net and offer to print up a run of these leaflets for
  the event.  The location of the flyer should be posted to these
  mailing lists relatively soon.

- Show up on Thursday at noon or 4:30pm, or on Friday at 8:30am, at
  the City Hall Plaza.  We will be near the San Francisco Main Public
  Library, and should be holding boxes of flyers.  The location is
  right next to the Civic Center BART and MUNI Metro station, and is
  the green square in the center of this map:

- Hand out leaflets calmly and respectfully.  DO NOT FORCE THEM ON
  PEOPLE and DO NOT MAKE A MESS.  Simply hold them out, perhaps calmly
  invite people to free Dmitry, and thank people when they take

We may send people to other stations in order to reach more commuters,
but only if we have enough volunteers.  If you're late, just look for
us in or around the BART station!

We should be handing out leaflets for about an hour or two during the
commute times, in order to reach enough people.  

Free Dmitry!

	--Nick Moffitt, Coalition to Free Dmitry <ctfd at zork.net>

"The only thing is certain: Russian petty computer hooligans are very
slovenly, while FBI agents are very persistent in hunting them." --Pravda
	01234567 <- The amazing* indent-o-meter! 
        ^	    (*: Indent-o-meter may not actually amaze.)

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