[free-sklyarov] ANNOUNCEMENT: Free Dmitry Demonstration Monday 11:30am at SF Civic Center!

Klepht klepht at eleutheria.org
Thu Jul 26 13:42:22 PDT 2001

>>>>> "NM" == Nick Moffitt <nick at zork.net> writes:

    NM> Nick Moffitt quotation:
    >> - Show up at San Francisco's Civic Center Plaza, Monday the
    >> 30th of June at 11:30am PDT.

    NM> My apologies for any confusion, but the protest is on for JULY
    NM> 30th, not June as the announcement stated.

My favorite Monday moment was talking to a freedom advocate who is
also a well-noted tech reporter for a very large newspaper somewhere
east of Sacramento. Faaar east of Sacramento.

I asked as we were getting started, "Are you covering this event, or
are you participating?"

Him: "I already filed my report a few days ago."

Me: "Really? So, how did our protest go?"

Him: "Splendidly!"

Turned out he was absolutely right. What a great reporter.

Free Dmitry,


klepht at eleutheria.org

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