[free-sklyarov] Counter-Terminology Poll

Michael L. Love proclus at iname.com
Fri Jul 27 10:02:29 PDT 2001

Thanks for this good idea, and it will be interesting to see the 
results.  It will be useful to standardize, but it will also be helpful 
to have a glossary of helpful terminology that can be creatively used 
according to the needs of the situation.

Incidentally, GNU-Darwin has been covering the situation for 10 days, 
and we supported the boycott.  We provide hundreds of software downloads 
to the Darwin and Mac OSX communities, and we get thousands of page 
views every day.  We have not had a single complaint about the boycott 
or the FREE Dmitry coverage, so it appears that we are reaching a broad 
base of support.  Prospects: hopeful.  It seems to me that through the 
combined efforts of everyone on this list, we should be able to 
marginalize the DMCA supporters, and restore freedom.

I just wish that there was something more immediate that we could do to 
FREE Dmitry right now.


Izel Sulam wrote:

> An effort is underfoot to standardize upon a counter-term which will combat 
> the corporate-sanctioned, misleading term of "copy protected media".
> Our chosen counter-term must better describe the essence of 
> cryptographically encapsulated media, and the undesirable consequences 
> thereof, such as loss of fair use rights, pay-per-play schemes, loss of 
> customer privacy, etc.
> I have prepared a quick poll consisting of suggestions for counter-terms.
> You can vote for as few or as many counter-terms as you like, but you can 
> cast only a single combined vote from any IP address. This is intended to 
> minimize attempts at ballot-stuffing.
> http://izel.sulam.com/antidmca/counter-terminology.html
> Thanks,
> - izel
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