[free-sklyarov] What was that russian chant? (fwd)

Vadim Kogan vadim at xcf.berkeley.edu
Fri Jul 27 12:45:38 PDT 2001

Here's how it goes:

Chto my hotim? (What do we want?)
Svobody Dime! (Free Dima (short of Dmitry))
Kogda my hotim? (When do we want?)
Seichas (Now) or Prjamo seichas (Right now)

Lemme try to give a better version for people who want to learn the sounds:

Shto my* hoti'm?
Swabo'dy Di'me!
Kagda my* hoti'm?
Seicha's! (Pria'mo Seicha's)

an apostrophe (') after a letter (or two letter in case there is no simple
transliteration) means the accent.

* I do not know how to properly show the second sound in "my". Why it looks
like english word "my", it does not sound like it at all. Somebody with
better background might be able to come up with appropriate notation for the
sound. Meanwhile I'll try to give some web examples on how the letter "y"
should be pronounced:

"not found in English; like u as in tulip, but without lip-rounding"
"more broad sound than in unstressed "it""
"i in ill"

If there is a need I'll try to find a microphone and record a simple slow
version of the above.

On Fri, Jul 27, 2001 at 12:09:07PM -0700, Alex Fabrikant wrote:
> i think you should answer this one
> -- 
> -alexf
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Fri, 27 Jul 2001 14:57:31 -0400 (EDT)
> From: Xcott Craver <sacraver at EE.Princeton.EDU>
> To: free-sklyarov at zork.net
> Subject: [free-sklyarov] What was that russian chant?
> 	At monday's SJ protest, we were occasionally chanting
> 	something in Russian.  Anyone on this list who can tell
> 	me what it was and its translation?
> 	I think the 2nd and 4th lines were something like
> 	"svobodu dime" and "sei chas."
> 						-S
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