[free-sklyarov] Mandatory warning labels of access restrictions

William Ahern wahern at 25thandClement.com
Fri Jul 27 13:58:15 PDT 2001

be careful what you wish for. are you defending that
these restrictions are legitimate, or are you aiming
to bring about the ire of the public?

> 	Hey, since some people want mandatory labeling of genetically
> 	modified or irradiated food, what if media required mandatory
> 	warning labels of any (a) usage restrictions conflicting with
> 	fair use, or (b) security features that may raise privacy issues?
> 	I don't just mean the FBI warning you see on rented movies,
> 	but a required warning label that this product you are about to
> 	buy has extra usage limitations, beyond normal expectations, and
> 	is has the following security features built in?
> 	I mean, this is easily justified:  (a), if it is a federal crime
> 	to use the media in a way people consider "normal," you want to
> 	make sure people know, so they won't break the law; and (b) if
> 	usage is monitored by any 3rd party, even in the form of a chip in
> 	your DVD player, people arguably have a right to know.
> 	I, personally, would want to know if something I am buying has
> 	any hidden security devices, such as embedded ID numbers,
> 	instructions ordering certain players to refuse to play or record,
> 	or if I will be prevented from using it in any manner I wouldn't
> 	normally expect.

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