[free-sklyarov] Send your feedback to MEMBERS of the ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN PUBLISHERS

James S. Tyre jstyre at jstyre.com
Sun Jul 29 21:48:06 PDT 2001

At 09:28 PM 7/29/2001 -0700, Seth David Schoen wrote:

> >
> > In other words, S-V NY is worth working on not only because they are an 
> > member, but perhaps more important, to help reinforce that they should not
> > be changing their own internal publication criteria to something less
> > favorable to our more or less collective POV.
>I am (when I have a job) a faithful Springer customer and have the
>highest respect for the material they publish.  I always look forward
>to the "yellow sale", and I have a Springer math and a Springer CS
>catalog on my catalog shelf right now.  But I suspect that one of their
>_authors_ writing to them would be better than a customer.
>That's actually why I'm putting off writing to various publishers
>whose customer I am... I'm hoping that an actual author may be able to
>write in.

It would be great to have S-V published authors write, but I see nothing 
wrong with S-V customers writing.

>Scott Craver, your only publication that I have in a book is actually
>in that Artech book, not something from Springer.  But you certainly
>seem like a Springer-worthy author. :-)

"Reading Between the Lines ...", the "Felten team" paper, would have been 
published by S-V had things not blown up at the Information Hiding Workshop 
in April.  You know this, but if others don't, Scott was a major 
contributor to that body of work.

>   Do you happen to have any
>forthcoming works which would be published by them, say in LNCS or
>something?  Is this an inopportune time to speculate or inquire about
>whether Springer will publish your research?

Not sure about Scott, but I do have knowledge of something else in the 
works, which S-V is considering publishing, and which is DMCA relevant.  My 
apologies for being constrained from stating the details, its a sensitive 
topic right now, but you (and some other list members) know, as a practical 
matter, that my unsubstantiated word is good.  This was one of the 
motivations in my prior post on this thread.

James S. Tyre                               mailto:jstyre at jstyre.com
Law Offices of James S. Tyre          310-839-4114/310-839-4602(fax)
10736 Jefferson Blvd., #512               Culver City, CA 90230-4969
Co-founder, The Censorware Project             http://censorware.net

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