[Seth-Trips] Another Free Dmitry meeting

Seth David Schoen schoen at loyalty.org
Thu Aug 9 01:36:43 PDT 2001

Another meeting -- I hope to attend this one too.

> --- Vadim Kogan <vadim at xcf.berkeley.edu> wrote:
> > There will be a get-toghether/planning/etc. meeting in Berkeley on
> > Saturday,
> > Aug 11th.
> >
> > Location: Wozniak Lounge (enter from 4th floor patio)
> >           Soda Hall (big green building)
> >           UC Berkeley Campus
> >
> > Date: Saturday, August 11th, 1pm - 9pm
> >
> >
> > We don't expect everybody to make it there by 1pm, but the earlier
> > we
> > start,
> > the better chance we have of finishing BEFORE 3:30am :-) Although
> > there
> > won't be any major sign-making going on.
> >
> > Directions: Find a map, find the big green spot where it says
> UC Berkeley
> > Campus. Soda Hall is on the north side of it, at the intersection
> > of
> > Hearst
> > and Le Roy Ave. If you're driving up hearst, you'll see Soda
> Hall on your
> > left side. It is a relatively big green building.

Seth David Schoen <schoen at loyalty.org>  | Lending, printing, copying, giving
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   I'm looking for work:  http://www.loyalty.org/~schoen/resume.html

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