[Seth-Trips] EFF "share-in" ([katina@eff.org: [BayFF] EFF: Music Fest Features Wavy Gravy in Golden Gate Park])

Seth David Schoen schoen at loyalty.org
Thu Aug 23 17:40:48 PDT 2001

I'm going to be working at the Share-In: in particular, I am the ice
cream co-ordinator.  Come by!  It'll be fun!

----- Forwarded message from Katina Bishop <katina at eff.org> -----

Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2001 16:28:29 -0700
From: Katina Bishop <katina at eff.org>
Subject: [BayFF] EFF: Music Fest Features Wavy Gravy in Golden Gate Park

Electronic Frontier Foundation Media Advisory

For Immediate Release:  August 23, 2001


Katina Bishop, EFF Director of Education and Offline Activism,
  katina at eff.org, +1 415 436-9333 x101

Robin Gross, EFF Intellectual Property Attorney,
  robin at eff.org, +1 415 863-5459

Electronic Frontier Foundation Music Fest in Golden Gate Park

Wavy Gravy, John Perry Barlow Host "Share In" for Artists' Rights

San Francisco - The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)
and ten Bay Area bands invite you to an open air concert
for everyone who loves music from to 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM on
Saturday, September 8, 2001. EFF's "Share In" will feature
musicians performing in Golden Gate Park near the
intersection of Haight and Stanyan streets. Artists
participating in this event will permit recording of their
performances by those in attendance in support of EFF's
Open Audio License (OAL).

Ten bands will play in two stage areas in the meadow.
Hosting the main stage are Wavy Gravy and EFF co-founder
John Perry Barlow. Musicians performing at the event
include singer/songwriter Adrian West, the jazzy Alex
Buccat Quartet featuring Sanaz, folk/pop band Atticus
Scout, high-altitude bluegrass string band Hot Buttered
Rum, soulful solo performer Michael Musika, the political
satirists of The Planning Commission, Berkeley-based party
band Shady Lady, classical Indian instrumentalists Srini
and Raja, acoustic rock performer Vanessa Lowe, and
singer/songwriter Wendy Haynes.

EFF developed the Open Audio License to help artists share
their work with others without giving up the recognition
they deserve for creating the art. Based on the open source
and free software initiatives for software development,
the OAL encourages artists to share with one another and
their fans.

Adoption of the OAL does not mean that an artist goes
unrewarded for his or her work.  On the contrary, the OAL
permits artists to share single tracks or performances and
gain widespread recognition for their work without relying
on intermediaries. EFF encourages new models of music
distribution in the digital world that benefit the artists
themselves.  One of the great qualities of the Internet is
that the overhead for packaging and distributing music,
which is where most of the money is currently spent by
record companies, is drastically reduced. EFF is committed
to developing tools that empower artists to take control
over their own art and to be compensated appropriately for
their works.

EFF believes that many of the laws and technologies being
developed today to protect intellectual property actually
harm the public's First Amendment and fair use rights and
make criminals of people doing perfectly legitimate things.
We are striving to help artists realize the full potential
of the Internet for reaching their fans by challenging
restrictive laws in courtrooms and through fun public
education events, like this one.

In addition to the music, the Share In will showcase booths
with the performing artists' music and tie-dye Share In
T-shirts. There will also be booths hosted by EFF and
outside sponsors, including artists' rights organizations
and independent labels. Ben and Jerry's will donate a
portion of the event's ice cream sales to EFF.

This is an event for all ages. Bring your family and
friends, kids welcome. Hear great music, enjoy Ben and
Jerry's ice cream, and support a great cause.

Event sponsors include: Guitar Center, Berkman Center for
Law and Technology, Future of Music Coalition, and the SF
Bay Guardian.

Information on EFF's Campaign for Audiovisual Free
Expression and the Open Audio License is available at:

About EFF:

The Electronic Frontier Foundation is the leading civil
liberties organization working to protect rights in the
digital world. Founded in 1990, EFF actively encourages and
challenges industry and government to support free
expression, privacy, and openness in the information
society. EFF is a member-supported organization and
maintains one of the most linked-to websites in the world:

                          - end - 

----- End forwarded message -----

Seth David Schoen <schoen at loyalty.org> | Its really terrible when FBI arrested
Temp.  http://www.loyalty.org/~schoen/ | hacker, who visited USA with peacefull
down:  http://www.loyalty.org/   (CAF) | mission -- to share his knowledge with
     http://www.freesklyarov.org/      | american nation.  (Ilya V. Vasilyev)

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