[Seth-Trips] A busy week

Seth David Schoen schoen at loyalty.org
Fri Aug 24 22:51:41 PDT 2001

Today is my mom's birthday!  You can send her an e-mail message to
wish her a happy birthday.  Her user name is sschoen, and her e-mail
domain is email.smith.edu.

Here are a few other things that are going on during the next week:

Saturday, August 25: Robert Austin Computer Show (Oakland Convention
Center, Oakland).


Later that same day: Linux10 picnic, Sunnyvale.  (Tomorrow, Saturday,
is arguably the 10th birthday of the Linux operating system.)


Tuesday, August 28: Duncan MacKinnon and I present a conference session
talk on bootable Linux CD-ROMs, with special emphasis on the LNX-BBC
project.  Our session is at 3:30p and runs for an hour and fifteen
minutes.  You do have to register and pay lots of money to attend,
but we would be happy to repeat the talk for free later on.  (You can
also buy an audio tape of our talk for about $35, but we would, once
again, be happy to repeat the talk for free later on.)

Tuesday, August 28 through Thursday, August 30: I'll be spending a lot
of time in the EFF booth at LinuxWorld Conference and Expo.  In
addition, I may be in the _Linux Journal_ booth.  In each booth, we
expect to be distributing LNX-BBC CD-ROMs.  (At the EFF booth, there
will be a suggested donation to EFF.)  Note that you can visit the show
floor without paying: see me (or anybody who works for EFF, or for any
exhibitor) for a free pass.

All this is at the Moscone Center, Third and Howard Streets, in San


Wednesday, August 29: I'll be at the Dmitry Sklyarov Fundraising Party
at 201 Ritch Street, 2nd Floor (nearby Moscone, also nearby St.
Francis Place, where I used to live).


I might try to catch a reading at A Clean Well-Lighted Place for Books
right before the party:


although that's kind of in the opposite direction.

Thursday, August 30: I'll participate in the Free Dmitry Sklyarov
protest march (from Moscone Center to the Burton Federal Building).
This should be a good time.


Saturday, September 1: If it doesn't conflict with the software patent
summit meeting, I'll be going to HSC in Santa Clara, as previously
announced.  Is anybody other than Nick interested in coming with me?

There are other things going on, too: this list is just for starters.

Seth David Schoen <schoen at loyalty.org> | Its really terrible when FBI arrested
Temp.  http://www.loyalty.org/~schoen/ | hacker, who visited USA with peacefull
down:  http://www.loyalty.org/   (CAF) | mission -- to share his knowledge with
     http://www.freesklyarov.org/      | american nation.  (Ilya V. Vasilyev)

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