[Seth-Trips] Re: seth-trips

Duncan MacKinnon duncan at randometry.org
Wed Mar 7 22:50:41 PST 2001

 On Mon, Mar 05, 2001 at 02:18:58PM -0800, Zack Brown wrote:
> http://zork.net/mailman/listinfo/seth-trips
> -- 
> Zack Brown

We didn't set a time or date but Seth and I planned to go to the SF Art Institutes'
exhibit of Steve Mann's work. See: <http://wearcam.org/seatsale/index.htm>
Let's set a time and date now!

It opened Feb 7, 2001 and I hope it is still there. Here is a quote to draw
you to the url: 

"Here is the internet chair with magnetic stripe card reader and spikes that
retract when a seating license is downloaded from a license server in 
response to input from the card reader incoroprated into the chair. The 
license server is in the 19 inch relay rack behind the internet chair." 

Duncan MacKinnon
duncan at randometry.org

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