[Seth-Trips] places I'd like to go with others

Sumana Harihareswara sumanah at OCF.Berkeley.EDU
Thu Apr 4 17:42:56 PST 2002

	I'm graduating from UC Berkeley soon, and I don't know when I may
move away, so I'd like to pack in some Bay Area sightseeing on the
weekends of the next few months.  Examples:

* Chabot Space & Science Center
	All sorts of interactive exhibits and real spacecraft you can
manipulate.  Some special exhibit is going on until June 19.  Neat!  In
Oakland and accessible via car or by BART/bus combo.

* Exploratorium.
	I know Seth just went.  I haven't been in six years.  Fun
exhibits!  An Eames movie!  In SF, accessible to BART/bus combo nearish
the Presidio.

* Lawrence Hall of Science.
	"The Dinosaurs of Jurassic Park," "Within the Human Brain," &
"Math Around the World," not to mention an exhibit re: Ernest O. Lawrence.
Above UC Berkeley.  Easy access via AC Transit Route 65.  I've been here,
but I'd go again.

* Some sort of stroll along the beach.  I live near a coast and yet I
haven't taken advantage of it much.  No, I'd rather not swim, just stroll
and gaze and make sand castles and so on.

* SF Zoo.
	Penguins and koalas and giant anteaters and so on.  Oh, and April
13 is "Renew the Zoo Volunteer Workday."  There's a MUNI train.

* Monterey Bay Aquarium.
	Looks like one needs a car and I've heard this is an
overnight-worthy trip.  But it's the Monterey Bay Aquarium!

* Academy of Sciences.
	Foucault Pendulum, a Far Side gallery, an earthquake simulator, a
T-Rex, a collection of eating utensils, and so on.  In Golden Gate Park
and you get a discount for using public transit (e.g., the useful Muni

	Anyone interested?

Sumana Harihareswara
Student, University of California at Berkeley

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