[Seth-Trips] Into the Future! Saturday, May 4 at my place

Seth David Schoen schoen at loyalty.org
Sun Apr 28 20:55:11 PDT 2002

I'm borrowing an interesting documentary called _Into the Future: On
the Preservation of Knowledge in the Electronic Age_ from a friendly
local librarian.  It ties in with the preservation talk I've been
working on lately.

I'd like to show it before I have to give it back, so I'm proposing
May 4, unless anyone interested wants to suggest a different date.

Seth David Schoen <schoen at loyalty.org> | Reading is a right, not a feature!
     http://www.loyalty.org/~schoen/   |                 -- Kathryn Myronuk
     http://vitanuova.loyalty.org/     |

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