[Seth-Trips] Barney v. Wil Wheaton tomorrow, DNA Lounge [barlow@eff.org: [E-S] BarlowFriendz 8.2: SF BarlowFrenzy and EFF Benefit Tomorrow Night!]

Seth David Schoen schoen at loyalty.org
Wed Aug 21 17:13:03 PDT 2002

A reminder, by way of John Perry Barlow.  (I also remind readers, and
apologize for the fact, that this is an event both age-discriminatory
and non-anonymous.)  I'll be working at the benefit.

----- Forwarded message from John Perry Barlow <barlow at eff.org> -----

Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2002 16:05:35 -0700
To: John Perry Barlow <barlow at eff.org>
From: John Perry Barlow <barlow at eff.org>
Subject: [E-S] BarlowFriendz 8.2: SF BarlowFrenzy and EFF Benefit Tomorrow Night!



    /_              _\
                              --------->  B a R L o W F R i e N D Z ----->

<A continuing series of occasional outbursts to about 1069 of my 
dearest friends. Please let me know if you wish to be removed from 
this list. But you'll miss some great parties if you do...

Also, if this broadcast feels as spammish to you as it obviously is, 
I hope you remember that individual responses generally elicit 
personal replies. And whether or not I have time to write back, I 
always read your replies with careful delight.>

------------------------------>  -------------------> -------->



Again, I'm back. This time with more conviction. After a trying six 
months, I'm once more in the game. I'm tanned, I'm fit - sort of - 
and my dancing boots are all shined up.

So that you can reach your own conclusions in that regard, I'm making 
my formerly scarce self visible to any of you who might be interested 
and in the Bay Area tomorrow night.

This particular BarlowFrenzy is saddle-bagged atop a benefit for the 
Electronic Frontier Foundation, which is currently battling some 
astonishing assaults by the Content Industry on liberty in Cyberspace.

To give you a taste of what Kopyright Kartel is up to these days, 
consider a bill proposed by Congressmen Berman and Coble would extend 
their Hollywood masters the right to technologically disable any part 
of the Internet transmitting traffic that they though might contain 
their "property." It also extends to them broad exemption from the 
usual constraints against unauthorized computer intrusion and denial 
of service attacks.

And this is just one of a long list of similar, and generally 
unpublicized, atrocities. You can find out more at http://www.eff.org.

So, even if you aren't interested in seeing me or one another, you'd 
be serving a vital cause.

Now, here's the info:

Join the hottest DJs of the electronic dance music scene, celebrity 
boxers, and the foremost cyberspace activists as we party to protect 
the future of music.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) presents "CAFE 2002 - a 
Benefit for EFF's Campaign for Audio-Visual Free Expression" at 9:00 
p.m. on Thursday, August 22, 2002 at the DNA Lounge in San Francisco. 
Admission is on a sliding scale and begins at $10.

The night features world-class DJs, live acts, and producers from all 
parts of the fast-growing electronic music community and a special 
treat: celebrity boxing with Wil Wheaton and Barney! Wil Wheaton, of 
Star Trek: The Next Generation and Stand By Me fame, will take on 
Barney in a celebrity boxing dust-up for the history books. All 
proceeds from the event will directly benefit EFF's CAFE project, 
helping to preserve your freedom to express yourself in innovative 

Watch and see if Wil with his backing from EFF can protect free 
speech and parody on the Internet and defeat Barney and his team of 
corporate lawyers. This bout is inspired by a similar fight featured 
on the website WWWF Grudge Match, which has faced its own 
Barney-related legal hassles.

Wheaton will be speaking at the event, along with EFF Executive 
Director Shari Steele and Heather Gold, comedian and Subvert.com host.

The main room will feature a live performance by UK DJ DDR (Smitten, 
Stay Up Forever/UK). Also spinning will be Mike Bee (True Intent, 
Bottom Heavy, Rewind, Future Breaks FM), Ian Raikow (aka Perfect - 
Beta Lounge) and Monty Luke (loopwreckas/3PA-Imperial Dub).

The party continues in the lounge area with DJ sets by Kid606 
(Tigerbeat6, Ipecac), Philip Sherburne (Cops Fear Pimp Turf War, 
XLR8R), live performances by Uprock (kelpandcircuits, Tristero), 
Lance Grabmiller (Praemedia, Grinder, Underground Inc.) and the music 
of DJ Random (Full Circle) and Lucretia (So What, Death Guild).

And, of course, my own modest self.

For more information:

About EFF:

The Electronic Frontier Foundation is the leading civil liberties 
organization working to protect rights in the digital world. Founded 
in 1990, EFF actively encourages and challenges industry and 
government to support free expression and privacy online. EFF is a 
member-supported organization and maintains one of the most-linked-to 
websites in the world at http://www.eff.org/
About Campaign for Audiovisual Free Expression (CAFE):

The Campaign for Audiovisual Free Expression (CAFE) exists to empower 
the creative community in the digital age by protecting the public's 
access to and use of audiovisual technologies. 
About CODE at the DNA Lounge:

C0DE at the DNA Lounge
375 Eleventh Street
9pm - afterhours
21+ w/id - NO EXCEPTIONS

John Perry Barlow, Cognitive Dissident
Co-Founder & Vice Chairman, Electronic Frontier Foundation
Berkman Fellow, Harvard Law School


----- End forwarded message -----

Seth David Schoen <schoen at loyalty.org> | Reading is a right, not a feature!
     http://www.loyalty.org/~schoen/   |                 -- Kathryn Myronuk
     http://vitanuova.loyalty.org/     |

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