[Seth-Trips] Slide rules! Physics auction, June 30

Duncan MacKinnon duncan at randometry.org
Sat Jun 29 09:22:14 PDT 2002

begin  Nick Moffitt quotation:
> begin  The ASCII Floating Head of Seth David Schoen  quotation:
> > A gracious lady in Berkeley passed on a tip about this exciting
> > auction (which I think conflicts with the Bootable Business Card
> > meeting the same day).
> [...]
> >       Auction starts at 10 a.m., Sunday, June 30. Proceeds benefit
> >       the Berkeley Physics Department. Directions and more
> >       information for buyers at www.harveyclar.com
> 	The BBC meeting is at 2pm, and I'm planning on calling a
> caltrain rendezvous for 12:30pm (assuming no shuttle from SF to
> Campbell materializes in the interim).  You should be able to stay for
> an hour or so  if you make it there at 10, and still have time to
> BART+N Judah to Caltrain.
> 	01234567 <- The amazing* indent-o-meter! 
>         ^	    (*: Indent-o-meter may not actually amaze.)

I was planning on building a mono-rail by then but we will just have to
tough it out in the Subaru. I'll call and confirm capacity.


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